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Company Information

Company Name
Link to Material
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Material Information - General

Material Name *
Material Description
Material Description
Material Composition *
RRP per kg (£)
Lead Times
Please select the average lead time from order to delivery.
Fire Rating
Please state the fire rating of your material

Material Information - Environmental

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Do you have an EPD for this material?
EPD Link
Please provide a link to your materials EPD
Primary Production Region *
Sourcing Region
If different from your production region, please state where your primary raw materials are sourced from.
Life Span (Years)
What is the designated life span of your material?
Recycled Content (%)
If your material contains recycled content, what is the percentage %
Renewably sourced (%)
What percentage of your material comes from renewable sources?
Renewably Sourced
If your material is from renewable sources please state the thid party accreditation?
Has your material been designed for circularity?
If your material is recyclable, do you have a designated recycling partner? Please state below
Low VOC?
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Please submit a link to any supporting certifications

Images & Video

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Material Information - Technical

Sheet Size (mm)
List all available options seperated by a comma
Thickness (mm)
List all available options seperated by a comma
Length (mm)
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
Length (mm)

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